And if you just need your prompts recorded to DAT,CD,CD-ROM, or to cassette so that you can load them directly into your system, we can provide that service as well.
Not sure why you need to have your voice prompts professionally recorded? From "Why do I need a professional voice talent?" to "What is the benefit of having Worldly Voices record my prompts?," we have answers to the most important questions you have to ask. Just contact one of our Sales Staff to get the answers you need.
Worldly Voices Is the Company to Turn to for Professional Voice Over Recording Services That Will Be Music to Your Ears. With more than 20 years in the voice recording industry, Worldly Voices is the very embodiment of the term voice of experience. We have completed voice over projects for a diverse range of clients, from Fortune 500 multinationals and major universities to local retailers and pharmaceutical companies.
A Voice Recording Studio Team Whose Commitment to Excellence Is More Than Just Lip Service. If you're looking for a reliable voice recording studio to provide clear, articulate narration for voice prompts integral to a wide range of corporate and educational applications, turn to the experts at Worldly Voices.
When it comes to choosing a company to produce voice recordings, there are a lot of options out there. While this is a plus for consumers, it can also be a little intimidating, especially if you've never enlisted the services of a professional recording studio before. Every company promises quality results, competitive rates, and top-notch voice talent.
A voice prompt recording is often a customer's first interaction with your business, and making a good initial impression can go a long way in building both trust and customer loyalty. At Worldly Voices, we have more than 20 years of experience creating interactive voice response (IVR) recordings for a wide variety of businesses both large and small.
If your company plans to record information in a foreign language, Worldly Voices can provide certified translation services in conjunction with our voice recording services to ensure your message coveys everything you need it to in an assured, concise manner. Effectively communicating with your customers is a critical part of forging a positive corporate image and maintaining high customer satisfaction ratings.

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