We started as a local translation and localization business based in Ann Arbor, Michigan - just a few streets from the University of Michigan and Zingerman's. Soon we started to work with clients worldwide, and today we do just about everything under the applied linguistics umbrella with a multidisciplinary approach.
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Babel Linguistics is a global strategy provider in four basic areas: translation, localization, interpreting, and linguistic services. The company's service portfolio is highly specialized to localize and test software, video games, medical devices, apps and websites including localization of user interfaces, online help, technical and marketing materials, and more, in a target's market language, culture and regulatory expectations.
FIL is the second-largest book fair in the world, and it takes place in the Fall in Guadalajara (Jalisco, Mexico). With business as one of its main goals, it is also a cultural festival with a program where authors from all continents and languages participate and. As part of Getty's extending their digital reach, our team contributed to localize the GettyGuide to the museums, a free app created as a result of the pandemic, which brought event, exhibition, dining, and shopping information to user's phones in 10 languages: Portuguese, French, German, Italian, Japanese, .
I have met many translators in four decades of marketing and communications, but rarely did I feel so at ease during a press conference. Babel Linguistics is the most effective translation and localization crew that Q LTD has worked with in its 37-year history, and we have worked with many throughout North America.
We are professional linguists with a long career in translating literary and highly technical content for publishers and diverse industries. Our team specializes in leveraging translation and localization services with new media, including brands and documentation, software/apps, gaming, web sites, marketing and training materials, film subtitles, video, and e-learning content in multiple languages and locations. We are not freelancers or subcontractors, and we do not work with content that is racist, sexist, or pornographic.

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